May 20, 2024

Meta Neglects Hacking Victims, Straining Law Enforcement

Meta Abandons Hacking Victims, Draining Law Enforcement Resources, Officials Say

According to officials, Meta (formerly known as Facebook) has been accused of abandoning hacking...

Meta Abandons Hacking Victims, Draining Law Enforcement Resources, Officials Say

According to officials, Meta (formerly known as Facebook) has been accused of abandoning hacking victims, leaving them vulnerable to cyber attacks and draining law enforcement resources.

Reports suggest that Meta has not been cooperating with authorities in investigating hacking incidents on their platform, leaving victims to fend for themselves and putting additional strain on law enforcement agencies.

Officials say that Meta’s lack of responsiveness to hacking incidents is not only irresponsible, but also poses a serious threat to the security and privacy of its users. They are calling for the company to take greater responsibility for safeguarding its platform and assisting law enforcement in addressing cyber crime.

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether Meta will take action to better protect its users and support law enforcement efforts in combating cyber attacks.